
James Huang


Disclaimer: This article is not legal advice. Make sure to do your own research or consult with an expert on HIPAA regulatory standards. HIPAA is managed by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The official documentation for HIPAA can be found here: What are the Rules and Regulations for HIPAA compliance? The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was passed in 1996 and is a US regulation to protect the…

Using Python, you can check whether a sentence is correct in an automated manner, and provide suggestions for fixing up bad spelling and grammar. Processing text in this manner falls under the category of natural language processing (NLP). This article provides documentation on how to use Sapling as a Python spelling and grammar checker. Compare it to a list of a few other open-source Python libraries that might be more suitable for individual, non-commercial or…

This article describes how to use Sapling as a JavaScript spelling and grammar checker, and presents a couple other commercial or open-source JavaScript grammar checker alternatives. Different libraries may be better suited for your needs depending on project requirements and budget. For each option, you can walk through detailed installation instructions as well as a quickstart piece of code for each library and a demonstration of how to use it. Comparisons are grouped by whether…